Got a on-camera flash unit but don't know how to use it?

Using on-camera flash doesn't need to be complicated! Get to grips with your speedlight with this super quick, super easy step by step guide.


If you've recently got yourself an on-camera flash unit, then you're probably feeling confused about how to use it!

  • What do all those buttons and functions actually DO?
  • When should you use flash in photography?
  • What do you do when there's not enough light?
  • How do you make your flash look natural, and not , er, "flashy"?
  • How do you manage your camera exposure when adding flash into the mix?
  • How do you use flash on sunny days?

I know - there's a lot to learn and get to grips with! But the good news is, you can be off and running with flash in a matter of hours with....


Speedlight 101: On Camera Flash Kickstarter Guide

An easy to understand, quick to implement guide that will have you off and running with your on camera flash unit in no time at all!

Aimed at those new to using an on camera flash unit, this Kickstarter Guide will walk you through how to use your on-camera flash unit from the ground up. We'll go over all the important functions and buttons, how to bounce the flash and change the look of the light, before breaking down the key principles of adding a flash unit into the mix, and how to troubleshoot if things go wrong.

Then we'll cover three common uses for using a speedlight - to add extra light to low light scenes, as fill light on a sunny days, or to the lighten the shadows, all in easy to follow, step by step guides.

Within just a couple of hours, your flash unit will seem less overwhelming, and you'll feel confident using using it in a variety of situations.


Here's what you'll learn

Inside ‘Speedlight 101 Kickstarter Guide’

  • On Camera Flash Tour

Get acquainted with all the buttons and functions of your flash unit so it will seem less overwhelming!

  • The Basic Principles of Using Flash

Learn the basic steps for using your flash unit, and how to mix the ambient and flash light for a natural look.

  • How to Use Flash to Add Light to Dark Scenes

I'll walk you through how to use your flash unit to add additional light to low light scenes, so you can get beautiful exposure without the grain!

  • How to Use Flash To Lift The Shadows

You'll also learn how to fill in the shadows, so the scene looks less moody and gloomy, but still retains depth & dimension.

  • How to Use Flash With Backlight

Use your flash unit as a fill light on sunny days, so you can backlight your subject, but still retain detail in the background!

  • Troubleshooting Guide

Understand what to do when some common problems and issues pop up!

PlusThis Bonus!

Join The Private Student Community!

You’ll also get access to our private student community, the Live Snap Love Insiders Club. This safe and welcoming place is where you can connect with other students, share your photos, ask questions, get advice, ask for photo critiques from your peers and more! I also share lots of exclusive fun stuff in here to help you grow your photography skills and learn new techniques, so trust me, you’ll want in 😀 (No social media needed!) 

"Speedlight 101: Kickstarter Guide"

Is perfect for you if you...

Have an on-camera flash unit (like a speedlight from Canon or Nikon) that has TTL functions and the ability to swivel the head.

Don't know the first thing about how to use on-camera flash - in fact, maybe you've barely got past turning it on!

Want to use flash to supplement the ambient light - so to add light to low light scenes, to act as a fill light, or balance the exposure on sunny days.

Would love to know the principles behind using flash with natural light...and how to troubleshoot when it all goes wrong!

Are comfortable with exposure, metering and shooting in manual mode, but just need help demystifying on camera flash!

Don't want or need to know EVERYTHING about how to use flash - you want to be up and running in a few hours, not six months :)

Meet your new Speedlight sherpa, Audrey Ann!

Hi! I’m Audrey Ann!

I’ve had a camera in my hand for over 17 years now, and have taught photography for over 8 of those!

With thousands of students in my step by step programs, I'm known for being able to take complicated concepts and breaking them down into easy to understand frameworks.

In this Speedlight 101 guide, you'll get a "get 'er done" quick guide to using your on camera flash unit in a variety of situations, so that you can be off and running with your flash in no time!


Frequently Asked Questions

What do I get when I buy Speedlight 101?

You'll get a 44 page PDF guide which breaks down all the important buttons and functions of an on camera flash, before giving you the guiding principles for using flash in all situations. We then give you step by step guides for using on camera flash for fill light, adding light to dark scenes and brightening shadows, as well as troubleshooting common flash problems and issues.

What type of flash unit do I need?

You'll need a on-camera flash unit such as a Nikon or Canon Speedlight, or an off brand alternative. Ideally you want a flash unit that can swivel the head so you can direct the light, and that uses eTTL/TTL for easy use between your camera and the flash unit. Provided you have that you're good to go!

Can I just use the pop up flash on my camera?

Unfortunately not! Pop up flash is best avoided as it points a blast of light directly at your subject, and you can't control the intensity or direction of light that is crucial. So you'll need an on-camera flash unit that has TTL (like AUTO for flash!) and has the ability to swivel the head (so you can "bounce" the flash) as you'll need these to get the best results!

Will this guide teach me everything there is to know about using flash?

Although we cover a variety of common situations, like fill light, adding light to dark scenes and shooting with backlight, we don't cover using flash off camera, or using it manually. Consider this your “get ‘er done” quick guide to using flash, rather than a full on program.

Do I need to have experience?

Although you don’t need to have any experience in using flash, you will need to understand exposure, and how to shoot in manual mode! For that reason, this guide isn’t suitable for those just getting started with photography, or who need help with their camera settings, as we don’t cover those basics in this guide. (Just flash!)

What happens after I buy? How do I get the guide?

As soon as you checkout you get instant access to the PDF guide immediately in our online course portal! You can download it immediately.

What if I'm not happy with the guide?

If you’re not satisfied with the training after 7 days, you can email us to request a full refund!

I have a different question!

No problem - just click on the Message Me button on the bottom right of this screen to get in touch!

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