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Self Paced Online Program


Take your images from "meh" to "WOW!"

Learn the step by step editing framework that will help you confidently create jaw-dropping images using the unrivaled editing power of Lightroom Classic.


Right now, you feel like your images are missing something.

And the fact that you're here means you probably already know what they're missing....the RIGHT editing! 

Successful editing is the extra magic ingredient that lifts your images from being good, decent, run of the mill photographs, and takes them onto next level, awe inspiring images.  

It's the final step in creating beautiful photos that look professional and polished, and if you skip that step, your images just aren't going to look half as good as they could.

Which is why it's time to get to grips with editing your photos in Lightroom Classic, so you can edit with confidence and consistency, and take your photos to the NEXT level!

Does this sound familiar?! You're..

Frustrated because your images look dull and flat, and nothing like the polished image you WANT to create.

Editing without any clear strategy, randomly pulling on sliders and guessing and what edits you should do.

Constantly tinkering with photos because you've no idea what editing steps to take......and when you should stop.

Lacking any style or consistency with your edits,  so every photo looks different from the one before!

Trying to Frankenstein together random, out of date tutorials into a cohesive, consistent editing process.

Taking so long to edit your photos that you've begun to dread the editing process. You wish you could speed it up!

Yup, I've been there my friend!

Once upon a time, I didn't have a clue how to edit my photos either…

I was the one aimlessly pulling on sliders, trying to mash together random tips and tricks I'd found online, and haphazardly making edits without any clear strategy or goal (or worse, relying on presets to try to edit my images!)

But I understood - like you do too - that editing is such an important part of photography, so if wanted photos that went beyond "OK" it was a skill I had to master!

It took me a loooooong time, but eventually I cracked the editing code, and over the years I've created my own unique editing framework. This editing system has allowed me to consistently get the polished, professional level images I want, no matter what type of image I take!

That's why I created this course, so you could steal my editing process and master editing in days, rather than waste years like I did.

Which means pretty soon, you'll be able to make transformations like these...

Are you ready to go from..

Trying to Frankenstein together random, out of date tutorials into a cohesive, consistent editing process.

Enjoying a clear. step by step workflow, so you know exactly what, when and WHY to make any edits. 

Endlessly tweaking because you've no idea what editing steps to take to get the images you see in your head.

Confidently transforming your photos, because you know which techniques will turn your photo from good to great!

Relying on presets that make your images look overblown and overdone, thinking that is the way to get an editing “style”.

Consistently getting the look you’re after, from warm and lively to light and airy or dark and moody,.


Edit Like A Pro In Lightroom Classic

The step by step program to help you confidently transform your photos from good to great using Lightroom Classic.

Editing is such an important part of the photography process - it's adding the "seasoning" to your image, taking it from being somewhat bland and boring, and turning into something much more exciting and polished!

But here's the thing: being able to edit your photos effectively is not just about learning the editing software (although you need to know that too!) you also need to know how to look critically at your photo and see what editing steps it needs.

If you only ever learn how the tools work, you won't get the results you're looking for!

In Edit Like A Pro With Lightroom Classic, we go beyond just teaching you how to use the tools in Lightroom Classic. Instead, you’ll get my unique three phase "stacking" framework for editing your photos, so that you have a complete end to end workflow to follow that takes away all of the guesswork or what to do next.

Plus, we'll help you make the right editing choices for your photos, by helping you understand which edits you can do, and when and why you might want to make them!


Success Stories

“…I haven't really understood my editing process or why each photos needs a particular slider until NOW. Thanks to Audrey Ann who removed the veil i had been wearing...I GET IT NOW. And my editing has been so much easier, more calculated, and more consistent"

- Captive 8 Photo

"This course changed how I edit, from just aimlessly moving around the sliders until I hoped it looked finally understanding what each sliders does, where I should start, and why they need to be moved. My images finally look professional and I'm confident in each edit"

- Courtney

"All the bits of knowledge I garnered from various books and YouTube videos suddenly all gelled together along with a lot of Lightroom knowledge I didn't already know! I now have a more structured workflow and far better understanding of what is needed to improve my photos. It has taken my photos to another level!"


Here's what you'll get

Inside ‘Edit Like A Pro In Lightroom Classic’

  • 5 Video Modules

Each filled with streaming video lessons on every single editing step in Lightroom Classic.

  • The 3 Editing "Stacks"

That take you through an entire roadmap for editing your photos step by step, with everything in the order you should do it!

  • Editing Questionnaires, Guides & Checklists

So you can stop guessing at what works and make smarter decisions about which edits to apply.

  • The FAQ Library

Get answers to common questions about editing your photos in Lightroom Classic.

  • Instant & Lifetime Access

Enjoy instant access to every single module and lesson, and go at your own pace with lifetime access.

  • + Bonuses!

Get the Ultimate Editing Checklist, develop presets and more.

The Curriculum

Edit Like A Pro In Lightroom Classic consists of five modules that guides you through the process of editing your photos in Lightroom Classic from start to finish!

Module One: The Essentials

In this first module, we'll lay the foundation for working in Lightroom Classic's Develop Module.

  • Get acquainted with Lightroom Classic by taking our virtual tour of the Develop Module.
  • Understand the big picture view, and how the 3 part editing process works (and why we do it that way)
  •  We'll also give you an editing shortcut cheatsheet, which will help speed up your edits.
  • Finally, we'll go through some simple troubleshooting steps to follow if Lightroom Classic is not playing nice.

Module Two: Create Your Perfect Negative

In this module, we’ll lay the foundation for all our edits by creating the perfect negative.

  • Learn the secret to adjusting white balance to get authentic, true to life colour, along with our skin “formulas” for using skin as a guide.
  • Stop guessing at the perfect exposure, and instead use your subject’s skin to tell you when you've reached that perfect brightness.
  • Adjust overall and secondary contrast to give your image depth and pop.  
  • Make basic enhancements to give a subtle boost, so your images look natural, but polished!
  • Discover how to adjust your image to make it look sharper and cleaner.  

Module Three: Take Creative Control

Once you have carried out your clean edit, you are ready to move onto more advanced creative editing!

  • Learn the pro tricks for adjusting the tones in your image to add interest and depth.
  • Discover how to convert images to stunning black and whites and the subtle adjustments that stop them looking "muddy"
  • Get the secret to manipulating the colors in your images to bring back lost details, add interest, or fix out of control colours.
  • Apply effective colour grading to to enhance your voice and the mood of the image. You’ll even get suggestions to which numbers look great together in our colour grading combinations guide to get you experimenting with ease!

Module Four: Local Adjustments

In this module, you’ll learn how to transform your images through the all-important local adjustments.

  • Discover how to pull your viewers eye around the frame and bring focus where it should be.
  • Get pro secrets for playing with light and shadow that add depth and dimension to your images.  
  • Take your portraits to the next level and make your subject looks like the best version of themselves (but without looking like plastic dolls or aliens!!!) 
  • Clean up unwanted distractions from the frame for a sleek, professional finish.

Module Five: Finishing Touches

In this module, you'll learn everything you need to know to make sure that your images look great, both online and in print! 

  • We’ll cover how to soft proof your images, so that your prints match the screen.
  • How to create high quality JPEG's for prints.
  • Make sure your online images look sharp and with good colour.  
  • Finally, we'll go over how you can move images into Photoshop for advanced editing, and then back into Lightroom Classic again!

PlusThese Bonuses!

Time saving resources to help you bring your workflow to life faster!

The Ultimate Start to Finish Editing Checklist

THIS is what I would have loved to get my hands on when I first started editing! A complete, end to end checklist of edits. Simply work your way through the list, and when you're done, you should have a beautifully edited image.

Create Your Own Develop Presets (+ steal mine!)

Once you have learnt how to edit, you'll start to find yourself making similar adjustments - and that's when it's time to create a preset! Although presets are definitely NOT a replacement for learning how to edit, they are a great tool for speeding up your workflow. In this bonus guide, we'll cover how to create your own Develop presets, plus I'll give you 5 of mine!

Join the Private Student Community!

You’ll also get access to our private student community, the Live Snap Love Insiders Club. This safe and welcoming place is where you can connect with other students, share your photos, ask questions, get advice, ask for photo critiques from your peers and more! I also share lots of exclusive fun stuff in here to help you grow your photography skills and learn new techniques, so trust me, you’ll want in 😀 (No social media needed!) 

Join now and save 20% until the timer runs out!


Get Started Today!


Choose the payment option that's right for you below:


$49 $39



$147 $117


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I want you to feel confident in trying out the program for yourself, which is why we have a 100% Risk Free Guarantee.  Have a look through the course and feel like you aren't going to learn anything new or useful, just let me know within 7 days of purchase and I'll refund you!

Success Stories

"The course is methodical and easy to follow as well as being fun - I saw an immediate improvement in my images! I find myself going back and revisting lectures as my skill level improves - so much learn"

- Pam

"“Love Audrey's teaching style - so easy to follow and understand. I have definitely improved my photo editing skills since taking the course and it's well worth the money - you won't regret it"

- Joanne

“Audrey's system for consistent editing has increased my editing speed exponentially. Editing has become fun, fast and easy instead of a chore I keep avoiding!”



I can't wait to guide you through editing your photos like a pro with Lightroom Classic!

Learning how to edit effectively in Lightroom Classic has literally transformed my images, and helped me take them to the next level.

But I've experienced first hand just how confusing using Lightroom Classic can be at first, and overwhelming the the whole editing process can be. Especially when all you get online is "how-to" tips, rather than the "Why, when and how" tutorials you need!

Which is why for the last 6 years, I’ve been teaching people just like you how to edit your images to polished perfection through a step by step repeatable framework that takes away all the guesswork!

If you’re ready to harness the editing power of Lightroom Classic to create images that WOW, I can’t wait to help you. Get in here!

"Edit Like A Pro in Lightroom Classic"

Is perfect for you if you're...

Excited by the idea of having an editing framework to follow that will take away all the guesswork and random slider pulling.

Ready for more than just a few simple “how-to” tutorials and instead want to learn how to look at your photo like a pro and see what edits it NEEDS.

In dire need of a fast efficient workflow that helps you create photos that WOW in as short a time as possible.

Fed up with your "free-for-all" edits, and instead want an editing workflow that allows you to stay consistent with your own unique style.

A lifestyle / documentary / multi-passionate photographer, and want to create photos that capture the beauty of your days.

Or a family or portrait photographer who is ready to level up and charge more for their skills!


It's up to you if you stay there!

One of the most valuable skills you can learn as a photographer is how to edit your photos. It can lift a bland and somewhat boring image into a work of art, and help you get the professional, polished photos you've been dreaming of.

But editing your photos does not mean simply learning how to use the editing tools, following a tutorial on how to get a certain look, or slapping on a preset.

When you truly learn how to edit your images, you're able to look at WHAT that every unique image needs and WHY it needs it, before selecting the best tools to achieve that vision.

And the good news? You only need to learn this once, and it will serve you for years, because the principles behind editing never change...even when the tools do!

Are you ready to learn the strategy and structure behind editing your photos, so you'll have the skills to edit any type of photo, in any location and at any time?

Get started today, and imagine what it will feel like when you…

  • Are excited to edit your photos, because you know exactly what you're going for AND how to do it!
  • Know which editing choices will transform your photos from good to GREAT, and can stop second guessing yourself.
  • Feel like a master in Lightroom as you expertly give your photos that special X factor that the pros have.
  • Get better images in camera, because you're able to pre-visualise the outcome after your editing workflow.
  • Have images look like they belong together because you've developed your own unique style and can edit with consistency.
  • Finally feel that you can call yourself photographer, because you can get your images to look they way you want them to!

Ready to be able to transform your photos like this?

Success Stories

"Thanks Audrey! Your course provides the depth-filled knowledge that goes way beyond the tips and tricks videos I used to search online for in the past. This course has been so worth my time and investment

- Jennifer

"I am about 60% finished with Audrey's Lightroom course and it has made a HUGE difference. I would definitely recommend the course! "

- Misty

"Your class has made things so streamlined, so clearly explained (sometimes your beautiful voice and awesome accent are in my head as I edit!) and my photography is definitely showing it!!

- Debbie

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take this course if I use Lightroom instead of Lightroom Classic?

The class teaches you Lightroom Classic, but you can certainly take the knowledge you learn in this class and apply it to Lightroom CC, or even Adobe Camera RAW (the plug in you get with Photoshop Elements)

However please note that Lightroom Classic has one or two tools that Lightroom / ACR does not have, but for the most part, the editing process is completely transferrable.

I'm really busy. How long will this take?

I hear you! But know this : you could spend months researching how to use Lightroom Classic from various online tutorials, AND then even more months (if not years) learning how to edit, but I’m pretty sure you don’t have time for that!

With this program you’ll get step by step lessons, editing questionnaires and all the resources you need to get you where you want to be in weeks rather than years.

On a more concrete note,  it will take you approximately 4 hours to watch all the videos, but remember, you have ongoing access to the program. That means you can take as much time as you need to complete the course. There’s absolutely no fixed schedule, time limit or deadline.

Do I have access to everything at once or is the content dripped out each week?

As soon as you join us, you get instant access to all the modules and lessons, so you can roll up your sleeves and get started today! 

What if I'm not happy with the course?

If you’re not satisfied with the course after 7 days, you can email us to request a full refund!

How long do I have access to the content?

You'll get "lifetime" access to the course content. To be clear, this is not your lifetime or my lifetime - it's the lifetime of the program! If we do ever decide to retire the program, you'll get plenty of notice and be able to download ALL of the course materials, including the videos, so they are always yours to keep!

What if I get stuck or need help?

Edit Like A Pro in Lightroom Classic is a self-study program, so I'm afraid we won't be able to give you assistance or feedback on your editing.. However, in the course you will find our FAQ Hub for each module, where we answer the most commonly asked questions (and after teaching Lightroom Classic for 6 years, we've heard them all!) so it's highly likely that your question is already covered! Plus our community is the perfect place to ask questions too, and get help and advice from your peers (Audrey checks in a few times a week too!)

Is this just for "people" photographers?

The skills and techniques in the course and can be applied to many different types of photos, so it's perfect if you are a "multi-passionate" photographer! However, the content does cover "people" photography, with guides for getting skin tones right, and portrait enhancement, so if you never, ever plan to shoot people, then perhaps another course would be better for you.

What happens after I buy? How do I access the course?

As soon as you checkout you get instant access to the entire program immediately in our online course portal! We'll also send you a confirmation email, with a link to the course portal, so you can log back in at any time and continue your journey into editing your photos.

Will this course give me access to Lightroom Classic too?

No. The Lightroom Classic program is available on subscription from Adobe. You sign up for the Photography Plan and you'll get access to Lightroom Classic, plus Lightroom and Photoshop. You can find out more about it here: Photography Plan From Adobe. If you're stuck, get in touch!

Does this course teach me how to organize and manage my photos in Lightroom Classic?

This program only covers the editing side of Lightroom Classic, so everything you learn is within the Develop module. We don't cover the Library module (where all the photo organization happens!) but never fear, we have a step by step program call Get Organized in Lightroom Classic too!

I have a different question!

No problem - just click on the Message Me button on the bottom right of this screen to get in touch!

Get Started Today!


Choose the payment option that's right for you below:


$49 $39


$147 $117