You bought a fancy camera to get beautiful photos of your family & daily life...

...but all your images look drab and “snapshotty”, and nothing like the bright, light filled, tack sharp images you WANT to capture!

You're still shooting on AUTO, randomly snapping the shutter, praying and hoping you'll be able to get at least one "keeper" from the hundreds you've taken that day.

You realise that it's going to take time to learn photography, but meanwhile, those fleeting moments are passing you by, while you struggle with your settings.

Right now you're feeling discouraged, and wish you could see some improvement in your photos NOW, not in some distant, far away future!

Imagine if in just a few hours you...

  • Had taken your first steps out of AUTO mode, and beginning to control the camera settings yourself.
  • Understood how to use the light in your home more effectively, so that your subject looks better, and you don't need to use horrible pop up flash.
  • Felt more confident handling your camera, because you had some simple real-life techniques that you can put into action immediately.
  • Could see a noticeable improvement in your photos in just a few hours, with the gear you already have.
  • Felt motivated and excited to take the NEXT steps on your photography journey!

‘Simply stated, Audrey can teach in a way that makes sense. She explains the technical, brain-hurting elements of photography in a way that makes you say "Oh, now I get it!". I have never had so many light bulb moments and trust me, I've tried all the other options out there!’


“The 5 Day workshop was my first purchase from you - and I'm so glad I did! It is AMAZING value - definitely worth more. I've done all 5 days and can see the difference in my photos already, and was just what I needed to get started, so thank you!”


Here's What You'll Get Inside:

  • The 5 Day Bootcamp filled with real world techniques, in a repeatable FRAMEWORK that you can follow again and again
  • Bite Sized Video Lessons that walk you through each element in under 20 minutes or less.
  • Over-the-shoulder camera demos so you can see the settings changes & assignments in action.
  • Detailed "Binder Notes" so you can reference the key concepts quickly and easily.
  • Printable Pocket Prompts that you can slip into your camera bag for easy reference.
  • Detailed Homework for each lesson so you can put into practice what you're learning.
  • Lifetime access to all the workshop materials.
  • Instant access to every single lesson, downloads and bonuses - no waiting!
  • LIMITED TIME BONUS! The Troubleshooting Checklist ($27 Value)
  • LIMITED TIME BONUS! The Photo Inspiration Guide ($27 Value)
  • BONUS COMMUNITY Exclusive access to The Insiders Club, our student only community where you can meet new photography friends, share photos, ask questions & chat photography!

Here's how it all BREAKS DOWN

Day #1: Shoot Like An Arrow

In our first day together, you'll discover the big picture mistake that many new photographers make, and how to avoid it with the Arrow Rule. Plus we'll cover the 4 different ways you can establish clarity in your images that will make your images instantly look more professional and polished.

Day #2: Blur Out The Background

In this actionable training, you'll learn how to use Aperture Priority Mode as the "first rung on the ladder" of controlling the camera yourself! Plus you'll discover the Magic A.B.C Method for creating a beautiful blurred background, regardless of your camera model and lens type so that your subject pops from the frame, and your photos have that "pro portrait" look to them.

Day #3: Get Sharper Photos

It's time to get sharper photos! In today's workshop you'll learn a straightforward settings change that can help you get sharper photos, AND help you play with the point of focus to create more artistic images. Plus we'll cover the most common mistake that leads to blurry photos - and what you can do instead to avoid it.

Day #4: Get Dynamic Images

Today you'll learn how to create more interesting and dynamic images through the easy to apply ROT composition rule, along with where to place your subject in the frame, and how to take it to the NEXT level. We'll even cover how to take away the guesswork when composing in camera. 

Day #5: Use Natural Light For Amazing Photos

No fancy lighting equipment needed for this workshop - all you need is one window and you're good to go! You'll learn how to use the light in your home to take photos of your subject so that they have creamy soft skin, and eyes that pop and sparkle, so that your subject looks their very best. Plus we'll bring all the previous lessons TOGETHER so you can take your best image yet!


You'll get these bonuses to help make it even easier to to get the photos you want!


 The Troubleshooting Checklist ($27 Value)

With this incredibly useful bonus, you'll also be able to combat other common shooting problems! Our "Troubleshooting Checklist” wilI walk you through some issues that might arise (like soft blurry photos!) and what you can do to avoid it next time, so you can keep moving forward with ease.


The Photo Inspiration Guide ($27 Value)

With 38 pages of behind-the-scenes info on 20 example photos, this Photo Inspiration Guide has been designed to inspire you to take the skills you learn in the bootcamp, and put them to use experimenting and creating a more diverse range of photos! Inside the guide I share the exact Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO settings or each photo, and why I chose them (such a great way to learn about camera settings!), details of the lens used, plus notes on each image, either with further info or extra little tips & tricks!


Access to the Private Student Community (priceless!)

You’ll also get access to our private student community, the Live Snap Love Insiders Club. This safe and welcoming place is where you can connect with other students, share your photos, ask questions, get advice, ask for photo critiques from your peers and more! I also share lots of exclusive fun stuff in here to help you grow your photography skills and learn new techniques, so trust me, you’ll want in 😀 (No social media needed!) 


The Beginners Bootcamp is perfect for you if you're...

  • A new photographer, still shooting in AUTO and want to take your first steps on your photography journey with a bit more ease.
  • Shooting with entry level gear - this workshop will give you the tips and tricks to elevate your photos regardless of the camera and lens you’re using.
  • Overwhelmed with overly technical tutorials and want things you can immediately put into practice rather than learning vague concepts.
  • A mom or grandma who wants to learn how to use your camera to beautifully capture your family…
  • Ready to learn a lifelong skill that you can use every single day to capture the people, places and moments that matter most!


What People Are Saying...

Meet your new photography mentor, Audrey Ann!

For the past 10 years, I've helped thousands of people just like you master photography and take photos they love.

Over this time, I’ve noticed that most people struggle with the same 3 things:

Finding the time to learn photography in the first place, feeling like they are getting nowhere fast because there is SO much to learn and understand, and getting overwhelmed with the confusing information they find online.

So I asked myself...

“What if there was a way I could help new photographers learn a few key photography skills quickly, so that they can create better photos in just a few short hours, and not have to work at it for months before they saw an improvement?”

The truth is, truly learning photography will take weeks or months (even years if you go it alone) and if you don’t have a lot of time to dedicate to learning, that slow growth can feel frustrating and demotivating. 

With this workshop, my aim was to give you simple, bite-sized, actionable techniques that all worked together in a framework, given to you step by step so it felt effortless, so you can instantly pick up your camera and get better photos!

Burning Q's your fellow Beginners Bootcamp students asked before diving in!

When does this start? When do I get access to everything?

It starts as soon as you join! This is a self paced, instant access, quickie workshop, so all you have to do is sign up and you’ll get access to all the materials instantly. Which all means you can start today, or tomorrow or next week, or even next year! (Although why would you want to wait?!)

Do I have to finish the workshop in 5 days? What if I take longer?

This is a self paced, instant access, quickie workshop, so all you have to do is sign up and you’ll get access to all the materials instantly.

You also get lifetime access to all the course materials, so you can learn at your own pace, and there's no rush to finish! All the materials are yours to keep for life.

Which all means you can start today, or next week, or next month, and then take as long as you need to finish.

The 5 days is just our recommended time to complete - binge watch them all in a day or take it over 3 months, you're the in control!

What if I only have entry level gear?

Then you’re in the PERFECT place! We’ll teach you how to get photos you love with the gear you have. Honestly, gear is NOT the thing that's holding you back :-)

Do you offer any refunds or guarantees?

Yes! We’ve put a lot of time and effort into the bootcamp to make sure that you LOVE it. That’s why you have a full 7 days to give the workshop an honest try-out, and if you genuinely feel it wasn’t worth the money, just shoot us a quick email and we’ll refund your payment in full!

Who should be taking this course?

If you're a new photographer that wants help with basic camera settings, and some simple shooting techniques to get you "over the hump" of getting started, then this workshop is for you!

What if I have zero experience?

Totally fine! You don’t need to have any experience to have success in this workshop. Truly. You just have to start somewhere, and of course, joining us here is the first step :)

Will I learn everything there is know about photography in this workshop?

This is not a photography course that teaches you the A-Z of photography (we have our Auto to Awesome course that does that!)

Instead, the 5 Day Beginners Bootcamp teaches you some key techniques and skills that all work together to have you taking better photos in a short amount of time. Which means that whilst you're learning the A-Z, you’re getting better photos!

What kind of photography does this cover?

Although this workshop was primarily created for child and family photographers, you can use the trainings for a number of images types, such as still life, dogs or flowers!

I'm already shooting in Aperture Priority mode. In this for me?

If you're ready to move beyond the basics, then our Auto to Awesome program will be a better fit for you!

Find out more about Auto to Awesome here.


Try The Beginners Bootcamp With Zero Risk

Purchase the course, watch the lessons in order and carry out the assignments. If you can say in good faith that the workshop wasn’t worth what you paid, all you need to do is contact us within 7 days for a full refund. Simple.

Take a sneak peek inside the program:

Here's how this works:

Click on the Buy Now button and checkout securely using PayPal or Credit Card.

Create your account so you can log into our online course portal and view your course at any time.

Check your inbox for your log in link so you can jump in & get started with the workshop immediately!

Start at Day One and work your way through the 5 Day framework to get better photos!




  • The Beginners Bootcamp Workshop Videos
  • Binder Notes
  • Printable Pocket Prompts
  • BONUS! The Troubleshooting Checklist
  • BONUS! The Photo Inspiration Guide
  • BONUS! Access to the Private Student Community

Only $37


What our students say about the other Live Snap Love courses: