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Self Paced Online Program


Confidently Create Photos You Love

Ditch the constant overwhelm and frustration of trying to learn photography via disconnected tutorials, and instead, follow a step by step framework that will help you take professional level photos with ease!


Let me guess...You forked out a wad of cash for a "fancy" camera...

... but most of your photos are dark, dreary, and out of focus, and absolutely nothing like the light, bright, tack sharp images you thought you'd be able to get with it!

So you're spending hours scouring the internet for tips and tricks, but nothing feels like it's coming together, and worse, you don't know what you need to do to get better results.

Heck, you might even be thinking that you just aren't talented in photography, so you should quietly give it up, and hope no-one asks why you’re still taking picture with your phone camera.

It's time to master your camera, so you can start to make the photos you see in your head become a reality!

Which is exactly what these students did...

So they could take photos like these!

Does this sound like you? You're

Frustrated because you see all these beautiful images taken by other photographers, and are STILL wondering "how the heck did they DO that?!"

Taking forever to get your settings right because you’re constantly fumbling and second guessing yourself, and by the time you’re ready, the moment’s already gone.

Wondering why most of your images are soft and out of focus - in fact, so many that you're beginning to think your lens must be broken 😁

Wasting hours reading disjointed tutorials where nothing comes together, and you swear you're actually going in reverse.

Spending money on tools and gadgets in the hope they will help you take better photos….. but that don't seem to make that much difference!

Tired of getting inconsistent results and trying to "save" your images (or crossing your fingers that no-one will notice the slightly out-of-focus bits)

Instead, imagine if in just a few weeks from now you can...

  • WOW your family and friends with your shots because you know exactly what you need to do to get professional level photos.
  • Consistently take tack sharp, beautifully exposed images, and no longer have to try to salvage one good image from 50!
  • Feel confident and in control every time you shoot, and can stop second guessing yourself, and instead approach every situation with a bounce in your step.
  • Pick up your camera, and KNOW what exact settings to use in every situation, regardless of what you’re shooting (and can change them quickly when needed!)
  • Love the photos you create, and no longer feeling embarrassed to share them (and get a secret thrill when someone asks YOU - “How did you get that?!”)
  • Take pictures so darn good that you’re being asked by your friends to take pictures for them, and maybe even making money doing something you love!

Don't take my word for it....hear what our students had to say!

Take a look at these student transformations!

Katie Lynn || From Chicago

Erica || From South Florida

Whitney || From Salt Lake

But how do you get to this nirvana?

You've probably figured this out already - without some kind of roadmap to follow and a guide to show you the ropes, learning photography can feel seriously overwhelming.

Here's the thing...

When you're not aware of WHAT you need to learn, no amount of free information can help you.

You’ll simply end up watching a mish-mash of complicated tutorials that don’t make sense, and that don’t fit together - so you’ll probably miss out on all the critical little nuggets of information that help it all come together and make sense.

That's because every single thing in photography is connected.

It’s like one large intricate puzzle, with all these different pieces linking together. If you’re missing even just a few of those puzzle pieces, you’ll never have the whole picture, and you won’t get images you love.

That’s why trying to learn photography through disjointed tutorials just makes the whole process take 10 x longer than it should, and feel 10 x more stressful and frustrating.

It’s just really, really difficult to find everything that you need that way, not to mention trying to figure out how all the pieces fit together!

The result? YEARS of overwhelm, frustration, and wasted time.

That's why I created Auto to Awesome; so you could learn photography with an easy to follow framework that lays it all out for you, step by step and action by action.

Both Photos by Auto to Awesome Student Suzanne Elizabeth


Auto to Awesome

Auto to Awesome is a six part program that gives you a complete FRAMEWORK to follow that will turn your images from boring, middle of the road snapshots, into wall worthy, professional level images!

We go over everything: from which camera settings to use, to how to shoot in manual mode, how to use light and composition effectively, and the steps for getting tack sharp focus (yes, even with erratic toddlers!) and accurate colour.

This course takes you by the hand and walks you through it ALL, step by step and setting by setting, so that this truly is the only photography course you'll need to start getting photos you love.


Get ready to go from..

  • Endlessly searching for tips & tricks online, but feeling like no matter how much you read, nothing connects.
  • Missing capturing those precious moments, as you’re fumbling with your camera and taking too long to get your settings right.
  • Struggling to get the images that you see in your head, and wondering how the pros make it look so easy.
  • Putting off taking photos because the sun is out / it’s a cloudy day / indoors / low light.
  • Frustrated because most of your shots are soft and out of focus - and not the tack sharp images you thought you’d captured.
  • Embarrassed to share your photos, because you know they are not as good as you want them to be.
  • Taking the same ho-hum snapshots over and over and over again.
  • Changing your settings becomes second nature, and you start to wonder how you ever struggled in the first place!
  • Shooting with confidence, knowing EXACTLY what settings to use every single time for perfectly exposed, count-the-eyelashes tack sharp images.
  • Getting more and more creative shots (because you don't have to worry about the technical side anymore, your brain has the space to try out new things!)
  • Filling up albums of images that beautifully capture your days, just like you see them in your head (and heart)
  • Friends are asking if you can take photos of their family / wedding / dog….and actually trying to pin you down for a date.
  • Making a side, or even full time income from doing something that you love and that can fit in around your family
  • Feeling confident, empowered, and proud to share your photos with the world.

Real testimonials - straight from our students!

Here's what you'll get

Inside ‘Auto to Awesome’

  • 6 Online Video Training Modules

Filled with step by step videos lessons on the 5 core areas of photography. Watch online at a time that suits!

  • Printable Cheat Sheets & Binder Notes

Stash them your camera bag to help you easily remember the core concepts when shooting!

  • Camera Set Up Demos

Watch over-the-shoulder camera demos to see the settings and concepts in practice.

  • Homework & Assignments

Get fun practice exercises to cement what you learn, and end of module assignments to make it all come together and see results immediately!

  • Instant & Lifetime Access

Enjoy instant access to every single module and lesson, and go at your own pace with lifetime access.

  • + Bonuses!

Get our Perfect Photo Planner, Photo Recipe Cards, The Ultimate Guide to Camera Lenses and invite to our private student community!

The Curriculum

Auto to Awesome consists of six modules, designed so that each lesson and each module connects to the step before. That way everything works together, and you'll get photos that you cherish quickly!

Module One: Lay the Foundation

In this first module, you'll build an in-depth understanding of the 3 main building blocks of exposure - ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture.

  • You'll learn how they all work together, and how to keep all 3 balanced for perfect exposure even when you change your settings.
  • Which additional factors you need to consider when choosing your shutter speed (more than you think!)
  • Discover depth of field, and ALL the different factors that affect it (once again - more than you think!) so your subjects are always in focus.
  • How to get creamy, dreamy background blur to help your subject jump from the frame.
  • What to do when there is not enough light so you can take great images whenever and wherever.

Module Two: Master Manual Mode

We'll take all that crucial knowledge from module one, and put it together to master shooting in manual mode, so you can get your photos to look the way you envisaged.

  • Understand how metering affects your images, why your camera gets it wrong, and the step by step process for perfect, juuuuust right exposure, every time.
  • Learn the system that will help you adjust your exposure by shooting “over” and “under” and how to know the exact amount to do it by, so you are no longer a slave to a bunch of wires and sensors that can’t see the scene like you can.
  • Avoid blowouts and hot spots that ruin your image (and when it might not matter)
  • The secret CLICKS method that help you change your settings faster so you never miss a moment again.
  • What to do when manual mode isn’t the best option.

Module Three: Harness Natural Light

Now we have the foundation in place, we'll move onto the most critical element of any image - the LIGHT!

  • The different ways you can use natural window light (no fancy equipment required!) for beautifully lit images.
  • How to change the direction of the light for more dramatic looks.
  • The secrets to getting images that pop in boring cloudy weather.
  • The two essential strategies for shooting on sunny days so you can shoot whatever the weather.
  • How professionals manipulate the light around them for images that have depth and drama, or to create more interesting images.

Module Four: Get Clean Natural Color

In this module, we'll tackle making sure that your images look true to life.

  • Learn what white balance is, how it works and how it affects your images.
  • How to identify when you have the WRONG color in your images.
  • The steps for getting clean, custom white balance with every frame using a white balance tool.
  • Stop horrible colour hues and get images that took true to life, with beautiful skin tones.
  • The setting you can change for best results in post processing.

Module Five: Get Tack Sharp Images

In this module, you'll move onto another core area in photography - getting your focus right.

  • WDiscover the unique F.A.S.T Framework for tack sharp images that works even with fast moving subjects or erratic toddlers.
  • Understand the different focusing techniques and modes, and when to use each one (and how they change as you mix and match them)
  • The different strategies you can use to ensure you get sharp action shots, even with unpredictable movement like sprinting kids!
  • A game plan for getting everyone in focus when shooting families and larger groups.
  • How to accurately evaluate your focus, so you know exactly what to aim for!
  • Troubleshoot the different ways you can get out of focus images with our Focus Failure Flowchart so you'll always get images that are sharp!
  • An advanced focusing technique that will help you improve your "hit rate" of sharp photos of action shots.

Module Six: WOW with Composition

In this final module, we'll get in touch with our creative side, as we discover how to use composition to create more engaging photos.

  • Learn the 5 ways to establish clarity in your images to make your subject takes centre stage.
  • The secrets to ensuring that the viewers eye is always drawn to what's important for more engaging images.
  • How to create an image with better balance so your image doesn’t look “off”
  • The tips and tricks that ensure that your subject pops right off the frame.
  • The all important portrait and posing “rules” that make your people images look much more professional.
  • The Ripple and I.M.P.A.C.T.S shooting formulas to give you direction and structure for shooting, and help make sure you get a wide variety of images from one shoot.
  • Composition guides that will make even everyday, mundane situations look more creative and dynamic.

PlusThese Bonuses!

The Ultimate Guide to Camera Lenses

In this guide I cover everything you need to know about camera lenses! We'll take a tour of your lens, so you know exactly what every number and letter means, compare focal lengths, discuss maximum and variable apertures, and more! Plus, I'll give you the 8 questions you need to ask yourself before buying a lens, so you understand everything you need to know about your existing lens, and how to choose the perfect lens for you!

The Photo Recipe Pack

These printable photo "recipe cards" will help you expand your photography skills by applying what you've learnt in Auto to Awesome to a wide range of photos, including landscapes, birds, newborns, panning, macro, black and white and more! Each card gives you example photos, suggested settings and equipment, shooting tips and an actionable assignment to help you put it all into practice.

The Perfect Photo Planner

Learn how to plan for success, whether you’re planning a pro shoot or capturing your own family! We'll cover the 6 different elements you need to plan for, plus give you guides for choosing the best lens for the job, sample poses for child and family photos, ideas for locations, plus example low-key props you can use to add interest to your photos. With session planning sheets and storyboards included, you'll have everything you need to plan your next session!

Access to our Exclusive Student Community!

You’ll also get access to our private student community, the Live Snap Love Insiders Club. This safe and welcoming place is where you can connect with other students, share your photos, ask questions, get advice, ask for photo critiques from your peers and more! I also share lots of exclusive fun stuff in here to help you grow your photography skills and learn new techniques, so trust me, you’ll want in 😀 (No social media needed!) 

Join in the next 45 minutes to save 20%!


Get Started Today!


Choose the payment option that's right for you below:


$66 $53



$197 $157


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I want you to feel confident in trying out the program for yourself, which is why we have a 100% Risk Free Guarantee.  Have a look through the course and feel like you aren't going to learn anything new or useful, just let me know within 7 days of purchase and I'll refund you!

Wondering what some of our past students would say to you if you could ask them?

Oh, wait, someone already did!

Real Students, Real Results

Check out these photos taken by our Auto to Awesome students after taking the course!


I can't wait to guide you through learning photography!

Think most photography tutorials is like learning physics from a russian?! Then you're in the perfect place! I’m known for being able to break complicated concepts down so that they make perfect sense, and having an easy to understand teaching style.

And after teaching over 2,000 happy students how to get the images they dreamt of in Auto to Awesome, and with waaaaay less overwhelm, I know I can help you too!

So if you’re ready to ditch the frustration and overwhelm, I can't wait to share my proven step by step framework with you, so you can get the priceless images of the people and moments that most, and capture the beauty of the world around you.

Should you choose to join us, I personally guarantee that this course will be a complete game-changer for your photos! 


Is perfect for you if you're...

A new photographer, and you want to skip the years of frustration and trial and error and fast track your growth.

Still shooting in AUTO or a semi-automatic mode, and manual mode still scares you a little bit (or a lot!)

Unable to consistently get the results you want, and you want to see what information you've missed on!

A mom or grandparent who wants to beautifully capture their families and loved ones. either in candid lifestyle situations, documentary style or posed portraits.

Or a multi-passionate photographer who wants to embrace their creative side and enjoy taking beautiful, memory making photos.

Either way, you're ready to learn a lifelong skill that you can use every single day to beautifully capture your everyday life (or even make some money from!)


It's up to you if you stay there!

I know we all wish that we ALREADY had the skills and techniques to get the images we see from our fave photographers - no to mention the ones that we can see in our head. But to GET to that place, we need to take stock of where are today, and resolve to take the actions that will get us to where we want to go.

Otherwise we'll keep doing the same things - and keep getting the same lacklustre results.

The last thing I want is for you to look back in 6 or 12 months from now, wondering what your images could look like if you had taken action today, and feeling discouraged with your photography skills

Instead, I want you to be handling your camera with confidence, feeling proud of the images that you are taking, and maybe even thinking about how you can generate some income from your skills.

In 6 months from now, you’ll wish you’d started today!

With the right knowledge, a whole new world opens up for you.

  • You feel excited when you get home from a shoot, and see all the beautifully lit, tack sharp images you've been able to capture.
  • You'll fill up albums of photos that beautifully capture your days, the moments that matter most, and the beauty around you.
  • Friends will start asking you to take photos of their family....and trying to pin you down for a date. (or asking for your photos to put on their walls!)
  • You might even start your own photography business, making a side, or even full time income from doing something that you love, and that you can work around your other commitments.
  • You'll feel confident, empowered, and be proud to share your photos with the world.

2000 + Happy Students....and Counting

Frequently Asked Questions

When does this course start and finish?

The class is 100% self paced so it's starts the second you sign up! And with lifetime access, there's no set schedule to stick to or a date you have to be finished by, so you really can go at your own pace.

Do I have access to everything at once or is the content dripped out each week?

As soon as you join us, you get instant access to all the modules and lessons, so you can roll up your sleeves and get started today! 

How long do I have access to the content?

You'll get "lifetime" access to the course content. To be clear, this is not your lifetime or my lifetime - it's the lifetime of the program! If we do ever decide to retire the program, you'll get plenty of notice and be able to download ALL of the course materials, including the videos, so they are always yours to keep!

What if I'm not happy with the course?

If you’re not satisfied with the course after 7 days, you can email us to request a full refund!

I'm new to photography! Is this for me?

Yes! This is the BEST time for you to take the course because you can avoid the frustration you'll get by trying to learn it on your own. By learning everything as and when you need it, you'll avoid all the costly, time and energy sucking mistakes that people make when trying to learn on their own, and get a fast track to gorgeous images.

I have an entry level camera. Can I still do the course?

YES! It's the photographer that takes the photo, not the camera :-) Many - probably the majority - of our students use entry level cameras and lenses, but with our frameworks, they're able to create images they love with the gear they have.

I've got some experience. Will I get anything out of this?

Absolutely! I'd say well over half of my current Auto to Awesome students are more experienced, but they enrolled in the program because they'd tried to figure it out themselves, or had even taken other courses, but they STILL weren't getting the images they dreamt of. You'll still get massive value from the program because you'll get all those missing pieces that actually make it come together.

I don't photograph kids. Does this work for other genres?

Absolutely. If you're a multi-passionate photographer who wants to learn photography so you can capture the beauty around you, then this course is great for you! So, if you love photographing birds, portraits, street scenes, macro, everyday life etc, you will learn a TON from this course. However, if you only want to learn ONE thing (such as landscapes) then this course is not for you - we're all about capturing the beauty of our days!

What if I get stuck or need help?

This version of Auto to Awesome is a self-study program, so I'm afraid we won't be able to give you assistance or feedback on your photos. However, in the course you will find our FAQ Hub for each module, where we answer the most commonly asked questions (and after teaching the program for 7 years, we've heard them all!) so it's highly likely that your question is already covered! Plus our community is the perfect place to ask questions too, and get help and advice from your peers (Audrey checks in a few times a week too!)

What happens after I buy? How do I access the course?

As soon as you checkout you get instant access to the entire program immediately in our online course portal! We'll also send you a confirmation email, with a link to the course portal, so you can log back in at any time and continue your journey into mastering your camera!

I have a different question!

No problem - just click on the Message Me button on the bottom right of this screen to get in touch!

Get Started Today!


Choose the payment option that's right for you below:


$66 $53


$197 $157